Friday, October 29, 2010

Check Out Crosman Marauder Magazine (Multi-Shot Clip Holds 10 .177 Caliber Pellets) for $14.26

Crosman Marauder Magazine (Multi-Shot Clip Holds 10 .177 Caliber Pellets) Review

Crosman Marauder Magazine (Multi-Shot Clip Holds 10 .177 Caliber Pellets) Feature

  • 10 shot auto indexing magazine
  • For .177 caliber Marauder

Crosman Marauder Magazine (Multi-Shot Clip Holds 10 .177 Caliber Pellets) Overview

Ten shot auto-indexing magazine for the .177 caliber Marauder.

Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

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*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Oct 29, 2010 12:40:21

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Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Choosing a Riflescope - The Most Accurate Telescopic Scope For Your Rifle

Choosing a riflescope is not easy, and selecting the best telescopic scope for your rifle has become a science rather than a matter of preference. There are several features of a riflescope that affect both its accuracy and its suitability for your needs, and these can be split into two general headings: features relating to accuracy and those relating to construction.

This first article on the topic will focus on the major factors that affect the accuracy of your shooting, while the second, published under the title 'Rifle Scope Mounts', focuses on the physical aspect of mounting and other features that affect its solidity and lack of movement.

First, however, those design factors of a telescopic scope that enable you to hit the target more often and that are essential for those that require the highest accuracy in their shooting. Before you decide to purchase a riflescope you must first be certain of its use. A scope used for static target shooting up to 800 yards will offer different design features to one intended for shooting moving targets while hunting.

The optics you use with your rifle are frequently more important than the rifle itself, and true accuracy can generally only be achieved by matching a good telescopic scope with a well machined and constructed rifle. Here are some of the features to which you should pay particular attention when choosing a riflescope.

A. Magnification

While each of the features discussed here can be considered individually, it should be appreciated that each is worthless without the other, just as a F1 engine will be no good with the tires to hold the car on the road.

Many believe that the greater the magnification of a riflescope then the more accurate it will be. However, while this is true to certain extent, there are limitations and you have factors such as mirage, vibration and a narrow field of view that can reduce the accuracy of your shot. Taking each in turn,

a) Mirage

If you are shooting from say, 1,000 yards, you should generally find a 10x magnification good enough for an accurate shot. However, up to 16x might appear to offer greater accuracy with its greater magnification. This might sometimes be true, but if there is a difference in temperature between the ground and the air, then heat waves will form. These will be magnified by anything around or over 12x and the image will be distorted by a shimmering mirage of heat waves. Sometimes it is better to reduce the magnification, and this is one argument in favor of adjustable power.

b) Vibration

The higher the magnification of your telescopic scope, the more effect vibration will have and the greater the need for a stand for your rifle. This is not always possible, so again, a lower magnification can offer greater accuracy.

c) Field of View

Your field of view reduces with the magnification of your riflescope. If you are shooting at moving targets this can be a definite disadvantage so you have to drop below 10X.

Each of these presents a good argument for zoom power, although many argue against it because the moving parts leave the scope open to failure. Although this is theoretically true, on balance the above three problems render it more sensible to use a zoomed adjustable magnification rather than a fixed setting.

B. Objective Lens Dimensions

The larger diameter of the front objective lens, the more light it collects and the brighter is the target. This may be of advantage early morning and late evening, but there are disadvantages to a large diameter objective lens. One is the mounting: the wider the lens the higher the telescopic scope mounting has to be above the barrel. Not only that but they are bulkier.

Keep in mind that a large objective lens is only of benefit if the other lenses in the scope are of a good standard: the quality of image is set by the lowest quality lens. You will generally find that a 40 mm diameter lens suits most needs for hunting and target shooting.

C. Parallax and Adjustable Lenses

An entire article could be written on the topic of parallax, and any abbreviated explanation can at best only touch on the subject. To explain parallax, stand close to a clock and focusing on the minute hand check the time. Now move your head to the left still focusing on the minute hand, and you will see a different apparent time, in advance of the first. That is parallax.

If you move your head even slightly when aiming using a telescopic scope, the crosshairs will appear off-target and you will compensate accordingly - and miss! An adjustable objective lens enables you to eliminate or at least reduce parallax. This is only a problem with scopes of more than 10X, so is another argument in favor of sticking to 10X magnification for most uses. If you go for 12X or over be sure and have an adjustable ring at the front of the objective lens so you can reduce the effects of this problem. The setting will change with range.

D. Other Adjustments Available

There are other adjustment options available when choosing a riflescope, and if you really want to find the most accurate telescopic scope for your rifle you should check whether your possible choice has M.O.A (minute of angle) adjustment and B.D.C. (bullet drop compensators).

One MOA refers to about one inch in 100 yards, so if your shot is out by 0.5" you can adjust your riflescope by 0.5 MOA to compensate. BDC compensation can help you compensate for the weight of the bullet for a specific rifle, cartridge and air density, but that is only relevant for top professional marksmen.

For most, whether they are hunting or target shooting, a 10X riflescope should be sufficient for the accuracy they need, along with a 40mm objective lens and possibly an adjustable objective. You can then fine tune your telescopic scope using the other options to enable you to maximize your accuracy for your specific use.

Further details on the components of a good telescopic scope are available on where you will also find information on how to select a telescopic scope to exactly meet your needs for accuracy.

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Saturday, October 23, 2010

Check Out Crosman 2 Pack Spare Clips for the Model SAMC11 for $8.99

Crosman 2 Pack Spare Clips for the Model SAMC11 Review

I got these clips for my Beretta Elite II airsoft pistol. They are made of heavy duty metal, not plastic! They load pritty quickly, but if you want to take the BBs out it takes time. They are perfect for air soft battles, because they hold 19 rounds. The springs are strong. Over all they get 4 stars!

Crosman 2 Pack Spare Clips for the Model SAMC11 Feature

  • Features spare clips for Crosman C11
  • Includes 2 Pack of clips
  • Holds 15 rounds of airsoft ammo

Crosman 2 Pack Spare Clips for the Model SAMC11 Overview

2 pack of clips for the SAMC11 Air soft CO2 pistol.

Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

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*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Oct 23, 2010 12:20:13

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Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Tasco EXP - The Finest Scopes Available?

For the last 50 years Tasco has been providing the gun market with high quality rifle scopes. Built to very high standards a Tasco scope is designed to give you longterm shooting pleasure with the absolute minimum of trouble. Another really neat thing about Tasco scopes is being to mount your scope in a lower position on the rifle itself. These scopes were specifically engineered so that they could be mounted in a lower position while at the same time providing a large objective lens to the shooter.

The EXP (Extreme Performance) range of Tasco scopes came onto the market sporting an oval objective lens. This was a step away from similar wide view lens on the market; which were often asymmetrical in nature. While the older lens did provide a wider viewing range they did not offer a lot of light.

The EXP range also offer variable magnification with two options on offer. At the lower end it ranges from 1.5 to 5 power magnification. The more powerful model ranges from 3 to 9 power variable. Regardless of what type of hunting you might want to pursue this will provide you with more than enough power. With an objective lens measuring 54 mm by 42 mm, you have the choice of mounting the scope low on the rifle, just as you would with any 42mm scope; however, you also gain tremendous light-gathering capability. In fact, the new Tasco lenses are able to gather just as much light as larger objective lenses, even though the area is not much larger than a traditional 42mm scope.

These new Tasco scopes are able to provide as much light as possible without the risk of losing any from reflection due to a special coating applied to the scope. Regardless of whether you're hunting at dusk or when the day is just beginning you can focus on your target and obtain a clear image with this scope. When you find yourself hunting in a low light situation, the ability to dial up the power on this scope really comes into its own.

You will also find that the new Tasco scopes have a finish that is quite unlike many of the other scopes currently on the market, as well. This scope has been finished with a matte coating that provides a smooth, quality feel and look. The eye-piece was also designed to provide the maximum amount of convenience while hunting. There is no lock ring, which means that it can be easily maneuvered for easy adjustments.

All Tasco products come with a No Fault lifetime warranty. This basically means that if you encounter any problem with your scope Tasco will either repair or replace it; regardless of what actually caused the scope to fail.

So if you're in the market for a new scope why not check out Tasco today?

Not sure which scope to buy? Check out tasco rifle scopes online before you make your choice. You can find more information on rifle scopes and discount rifle scopes @ ScopesGuide dot com.

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Sunday, October 17, 2010

Sparrow and Dominoes: Any Spiritual Lessons Here?

You may have heard about the untimely death of a European house sparrow in Amsterdam recently. An exterminator shot it dead with an air rifle as it cowered in the corner of an exposition center. The bird had knocked over a domino after flying in through an open window. Unfortunately for the bird, the domino fell onto another domino, and it hit another, and so on until more than 23,000 dominoes went down.

Actually, the disaster could have been much worse. Employees of the Endemol NV television company had spent weeks with the goal of setting up more than 4 million dominoes in order to beat the world record on 2005 Domino Day, November 18. They only had 200,000 dominoes to go when the bird knocked one (er, 23,000-plus) over.

Fortunately, the team of employees had built into their chains 750 gaps to prevent just such a catastrophes from causing them all to "lose their marbles." After the bird expired, they reset the downed dominoes and added the remaining ones, so that they actually did beat the world record by toppling 4,002,136 dominoes on schedule, beating their own record from Domino Day last year.

When I heard of this incident, I asked myself, Are there any spiritual lessons in the "Winged Toppler" event? Serious mulling-over time has brought me to conclude that there are.

A chain of moral cause and effect

Like a row of dominoes on end, God has established a cause-and-effect relationship between our moral choices and their consequences. The Bible explains this in a number of passages. The Apostle Paul says: "God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. The one who sows to please the flesh, from the flesh will reap destruction; the one who sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life" (Galatians 6:7-8).

Later he wrote, "Don't you know that when you offer yourselves to someone to obey him as slaves, you are slaves to the one whom you obey--where you are slaves to sin, which leads to death, or to obedience, which leads to righteousness?" (Romans 6:16). A few verses later he establishes the two alternate chains: offering your body to sin, which leads to slavery to impurity, then to ever-increasing wickedness; or offering your body to righteousness, which leads to holiness.

We never see it coming

Often when we find our lives disintegrating around us, we are puzzled. To us it seems like just one little thing goes wrong--like the bird landing on the domino--and everything around them starts to topple.

We don't perceive that it is all connected. Drinking too much leads to insulting a stranger in a bar. That leads to a fight in the back alley, which leads to pulling out the K-bar. That leads to a stabbing, which leads to running from a whole gang of the guy's friends. All from having one or two too many. If this is what is going on in your life, don't blame the sparrow (the trigger event). It was all set up beforehand by the choices you made.

People often assume that they lost their job or their marriage ended because of one little thing that happened. That's almost never true. The sparrow didn't knock down all of the dominoes, only one. We are the ones who set them up.

James, the half-brother of Jesus, explains a related set:
"Each one is tempted when, by his own evil desire, he is dragged away and enticed. Then, after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, gives birth to death" (James 1:14-15).

Notice in this text that God has built in some safety gaps. Christians are encouraged to learn that: "God is faithful: he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it" (1 Corinthians 10:13). When we recognize evil desire in our heart, we have a chance to stop the reaction before it responds to enticement. We can stop enticement before it develops into sin, and sin before it grows out of control. God put those gaps in the process for our benefit.

Positive chain reactions

In a similar way, we can participate in erecting chains that will have a positive impact on our lives and the lives of others. What you invest in your life will bring returns. This includes how you spend your time, what you purchase with your income, what you choose to think about and talk about. Every one of these things is a domino in the exposition hall of your life. Added all together, they constitute a world-record long chain reaction for good.

And in this case, Jesus Christ himself is the sparrow, or rather He is the master-designer of the toppling dominoes. "While we were still sinners" He loved us and gave Himself up for us, setting off a chain reaction that will continue into eternity, unless we ourselves create the gaps.
The shooting of that house sparrow set off its own chain reaction. Now the company faces a hefty fine; the bird was on the endangered species list.

Want to go deeper?

Contemplation about why God has established such moral cause-and-effect chain reactions ultimately leads to meditation about the cross of Jesus Christ. Just as my sin can have tremendously devastating effects in my own life, in the lives of my family and friends, even in the lives of total strangers or of generations yet unborn, so God has arranged that the willing sacrifice of Jesus Christ, the only perfect human being and God Incarnate, can bring tremendous blessing into the world (study Romans 5:12-19). If you want to explore more about the wacky world of domino toppling, do a search for the annual event, "Domino Day."

* * *

Copyright ©2006 Steve Singleton

Steve Singleton has written and edited several books and numerous articles. He has been an editor, reporter, and public relations consultant. He has taught college-level Greek, Bible, and religious studies courses and has taught seminars in 11 states and the Caribbean.

Go to his for Bible study resources, no matter what your level of expertise. Explore "The Shallows," plumb "The Depths," or use the well-organized "Study Links" for original sources in English translation. Check out the DeeperStudy Bookstore for great e-books, free books, and great discounts. Subscribe to his free "DeeperStudy Newsletter" or "DeeperStudy Blog."

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Thursday, October 14, 2010

The Basic Workings of Airsoft Guns

Airsoft guns are the newest rage in the military and police simulation game world. Each one is uniquely designed with numerous parts and the more expensive models can be as complex as a real rifle or pistol. Spring action, gas, and electric are the three types of mechanisms used to fire these guns. They use 6mm or 8mm pellet ammunition which are usually made from hard plastic and 6mm paintball pellets can also be used if the player prefers. The advantage of the paintball pellets is that players know who have been shot and where when playing with paintball guns. With airsoft guns the game is played more on the honor system since there is no real way to know if someone has been hit.

Airsoft guns, however, will never be mistaken for paintball guns even by the untrained eye. Airsoft guns were manufactured to look and feel real and the models available are replicas of many of the real weapons on the market today, such as 9mm pistols and high-powered sniper rifles. As a matter of fact, some of them even come with targeting lasers. The fact that the airsoft gun looks and feels so real is what draws many people to play airsoft and purchase an airsoft gun. Airsoft guns are also more powerful that paintball guns and they have a wider range of canister gas available for powering the firing mechanism. Playing airsoft is nothing like playing paintball. Airsoft it's a lot less messy and a lot more realistic than paintball.

Spring loading airsoft guns are similar to the old fashioned six-shooter of the Old West. They must be 'cocked' in order to fire each individual shot. This means the player must pull back the slide for a pistol and pull on the grip of a rifle. The pellets are propelled through the barrel by a set of springs. By cocking the weapon, the player is activating the spring for firing. These are the easiest types of airsoft weapons to fire and use. Prices for spring loaded guns start at $2.50 and go as high as $129.95 plus tax.

Electric airsoft guns - or AEGs - also use spring propulsion, but a battery is used to power the spring. The battery gives the weapon the ability to be fired as an automatic or semi-automatic weapon. They are more powerful than the spring loaded guns, but because of the automatic/semi-automatic firing features, these guns are of a higher-quality and looked at as the superior airsoft product. These weapons start at $8.00 and go as high as $699.99 plus tax.

The gas airsoft guns are the last type that is manufactured and they use pressurized canisters filled with different gases to propel the pellet from the gun. These are extremely powerful guns, but the velocity can be adjusted when using these airsoft products. The velocity cannot be adjusted in an electric or spring weapon. Once again, these can automatic or semi-automatic and come in price ranges starting at $27.00 and going as high $194.00 plus tax. All of the airsoft guns use magazines to feed the pellet ammunition into and through the guns.

For more information on airsoft guns, check out, the best value in airsoft.

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Monday, October 11, 2010

Archery Elk Hunting

Elk are huge animals. Most hunters don't realize just how big they are until they see them live for the first time. To be successful at archery elk hunting you need to be a good shot. You also need to understand the animal; where they walk, where they like to feed, where they drink and their habits. Understanding your prey is the first step in the journey to becoming successful in archery elk hunting.

All animals need to drink, so any fresh water source is a good place to set up camp. If you wait near their water source, they're bound to show up sooner or later. They also tend to linger around the densest treed areas of the region.

Elk feed on grass and some berries, such as strawberries, snowberries and blackberries. Finding these food sources could be your first step in creating a stand. Where the food is, the elk will follow.

You can also set up a stand on the ground or in a tree. You might have to sit in that stand for hours, so you should make sure it has everything you need and is comfortable enough. Try setting up several stands and alternating between them, that way you give each stand time to "air out." Human scent can linger for days, and elk will tend to avoid such places.

Since elk are so big, you also need a bow that packs a considerable punch. Your arrows should be big enough to make a clean kill, and you need to practice long hours to develop the skill needed to make a good enough shot to kill them.

When practicing to shoot an elk, make sure you are wearing the same gear you'll be wearing when you're in the field. Shooting a bow clad in heavy coats and camouflage is a whole lot different than firing while wearing a T-shirt. This small difference could mean the difference between a successful shot and a failed one.

When archery elk hunting, some hunters use a cow call, or a method called bugling, which works well when the animals are in heat and rutting. Most hunters of elk will recommend using the cow call.

Archery elk hunting can be a daunting task. They are huge animals and you have to be a good enough shot to kill it quickly. Learn the vital parts and only make a shot when you're almost sure to make a good one.

My name is Ted Lake and I'm building a website in memory of my dad Deuaine Lake. This site is all about Archery and Archery Hunting. My dad started me when I was 5 years old (1956) and I've continued to teach both my boys the same respect for the sport of archery.Please feel welcome to visit my free website at

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Friday, October 8, 2010

You Can Hunt Turkeys in the Spring and in the Fall

You always need a license if you are planning to hunt turkeys. The spring and fall permits, all the same, are different. The spring permit allows you to hunt in a certain area during one of the 5-day turkey hunting periods. In the fall, your permit will enable you to hunt any day during the season, on condition that it is within the zone listed on the permit. Once you have bought your turkey hunting permit, there are a number of things you can do to have a booming outing.

Be prepared to practice patience. Turkey hunting takes a great amount of patience. Spring turkey hunting involves less patience, as you make hen turkey sounds to endeavor to get a gobbler to come to you. Turkeys do not mate in the fall, though, so you will have to patiently engage in stand hunting. Stand hunting involves finding a spot and then awaiting the turkey to come to you.

Since you will at some point be hunting turkeys in the spring, you have to become knowledgeable about the several devices employed to make a turkey sound. There are two main types. One is addressed a friction call, which is produced by rubbing two surfaces together. The other is a mouth call. This takes place when air is either inhaled or exhaled. A third type of caller, a shaker, creates a "gobble" noise when you shake it in a rapid motion.

No matter which call you will be utilizing, you have to practice the call diligently. You will in addition study a lot by being attentive to the turkeys themselves. They are the best examples to follow. Pick up live turkeys or a calling recording. You can likewise get help by contacting a seasoned turkey hunter. Turkeys can making more than two dozen different calls. Most hunters, although, can simply notice about 10. Their sounds comprise the yelp, the cluck, the purr, the cackle, and the most familiar sound of them all, the gobble. Make yourself acquainted with each of these turkey calls.

The most significant thing you will do to make certain an agreeable turkey hunting experienced is to practice safety. Turkey hunting, as with all types of hunting, poses a threat to those who do not use caution and wisdom in this line of business. Use gobble calls only when you are locating a tom. Do not use it to attract one. This will result in another hunter to think that you are a turkey. You run the risk of being shot should this happen. Keep your hands and head camouflaged when you make turkey calls.

The're other things you are in a position to do to ensure your safety and the security of others. Never stalk a turkey. Do not meet up with than 100 yards to a gobbler. Opt for a calling site that permits you to see at any rate 40 yards in all directions. Do not move an uncovered decoy. Wear an orange cap or your mitts while strolling, as your camouflaged clothing can be mistaken for a turkey by other hunters. Most shooting accidents happen because one hunter mistakes another hunter as game. Finally, remember the three basic rules of hunting:

1. Treat each and every gun as if it is loaded.
2. Always point the muzzle in a safe direction, away from others.
3. Be 100% sure of your target.

Following these rules and directives will allow you to have a booming turkey-hunting season, be it spring or fall. As with all forms of hunting, security is invariably your highest priority. Keep this in mind, and you are ready for the upcoming season. Have as much fun as you can while going over as much safety as you can.

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Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Great Price Crosman C1K77 for $72.99

Crosman Quest 1000 air rifle Review

With no reservation, I am impressed with the fit, finish, and performance of this rifle. At first the sights seem a little out of place on such a solid mount, but they function well and have great visibility. I have a couple of 22 rimfire rifles with light gage metal sights that would be much less resilient than these plastic sights if bumped. Fresh out of the box I held my first 20 rounds to just under a 3" group at 50 feet, standing, off hand. Being unpracticed by several years, I was very pleased with its / my performance. As to power, it seems more than adequate. The 7.9 grain pellets were blowing through a ¾" pine board at 50 feet as if it were a sheet paper. As for adding a scope, I would be hesitant because of the break barrel action. If the barrel doesn't seat perfectly after cocking, the sight angle would be greatly compromised. I guess there is a reason the open sights are mounted on the barrel proper. Also, based on the limited effective range of the low mass projectiles, the open sights provide better target / quarry acquisition within the gun's kill range. Or so I would think. The next time out we'll do a little trigger adjustment and tweak the sights a bit. One thing is for sure; I hope my first impression lasts.

Crosman Quest 1000 air rifle Feature

  • caliber: 0.177
  • velocity: 1000.00 ft/sec
  • Warranty: One year limited warranty
  • Breakbarrel

Crosman Quest 1000 air rifle Overview

If power is what you want in an air rifle, look no further than the Quest. Light cocking effort gets velocity up to 1200 fps. The Quest break barrel features a two-stage, adjustable trigger. With a relatively light cocking force, the barrel has a micro adjustable rear sight and fiber optic front sight.

Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

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Customer Reviews

Awesome gun 80-200$ price range! Very glad with this product Highly recommend it. - Matthew Brooks -
After reading ratings and reviews for various guns on here i decided to get this gun here is why...

It is currently on sale about half off.
It has sights on the barrel so you dont need to rely on a scope.
This gun is very accurate without much tuning.
It feels sturdy almost like a real rifle.
My brother in law has a Daisy for more money and i think my crosman is better.

Great buy. I recommend this for any beginner - intermediate shooter. I have not shot any small animals with the gun yet, but im sure it can terminate them easy especially with the hunting caliber pellets.

Get this gun!

great shooter love this gun - G. SHAFFER - pennsylvania
I got this gun after xmass. The thing is a nail driver. Says it shoots 1000 fps . I dont know about that. I havent checked it. One thing I know it hits what u are shooting at. And with power. At 40 feet and a good rest you can put them all in a dime. Mine came with a scoop. That I had to put on and ajust it. Has a wood stock. Its kind of heavy so I dont think I would get one for a kid. Im shooting the crosman wadcutter in mine. And at a 1000 fps thats all most as fast as a 22 . I dont think u could go wrong with this gun .

missingg parts - Douglas Chase - Jackson, Michigan USA
Key to the trigger lock missing. Box had been opened. Wife will you MondayCrosman Quest 800X Break Barrel Air Rifle

one of my best air rifles - frog and toad - on a lilly pad
This rifle is very well made. wood and metal is what it consists of. the power is excellent and the accuracy is as good as I can aim. I loaded the gun with gamo pellets which increase the velocity By 25 percent and it went through an empty plastic bottle as if it were paper. with nothing in the plastic bottle, I was surprised that the bottle didn't fly back. Instead there was a clean hole straight through both sides of the bottle and it was still standing up. even without the gamo pellets, this gun is still very deadly. Lets just say this thing is not a toy and is far from it.

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Oct 05, 2010 08:21:01

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Saturday, October 2, 2010

Great Price Crosman SST25 for $29.99

Crosman Marauder .25 Caliber Single Pellet Shot Tray Review

Crosman Marauder .25 Caliber Single Pellet Shot Tray Feature

  • Single pellet tray
  • Fits same space of multi-shot clip
  • For .25 caliber Marauder
  • Crosman Marauder Single Shot Tray .25 Caliber Fits Tightly and Allows for A Single Pellet To Be Loaded and Fired.

Crosman Marauder .25 Caliber Single Pellet Shot Tray Overview

The Marauder single shot tray slides into the same space that the multi-shot clip occupies in the breech. The tray fits tightly and allows for a single pellet to be loaded and fired from the Marauder.

Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

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*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Oct 02, 2010 05:19:25

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Friday, October 1, 2010

Crosman Phantom 1200 FPS .177 Break Barrel Air Rifle (Includes 4 X 32mm Scope)

Great for beginners!! Its a well made and reliable .177 cal air rifle! It takes a bit of getting used to the high cocking effort though. But, that aside, the end result is a high power and surprisingly accurate rifle for your money. It's not as loud as I though it might be too, living in an urban area and all. I'm considering moving up to but not limited to a .22 cal soon! :)

Crosman Phantom 1200 FPS .177 Break Barrel Air Rifle (Includes 4 X 32mm Scope)